Mission Statement

Sean Ainechi is the founder and president of Alma Engineering, with 15 years of Structural and Civil Engineering experience in design, construction and inspection. In public sector, He has worked on bridges, highways, roads, and wastewater treatment facilities in direct collaboration with NYCDOT, NYSDOT, MTA-MNRR, MTA-TBTA, NYCDEP, NYCDDC, NYCSCA, and other New York City and State agencies. In private sector, he has worked on dozens of residential and commercial buildings throughout five boroughs.

Professional Engineering Licenses:
New York, No. 101289
Connecticut, No. 0030720


LinkedIn Profile

Project Highlights
Northeast Boundary Tunnel (NEBT) – Washington, DC

This Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) tunnel has 23 foot inside diameter, approximately 27,000 linear feet long, and 50 to 160 feet deep. Responsible for preparation of technical bidding documents, installation of extensometers and vibration monitors, active monitoring of collected data for patterns analysis and recognition, in correlation with ongoing construction activities.


Bruckner Expressway over Westchester Creek - Bronx, NY

The Unionport Bridge is a moveable bridge with a double-leaf trunnion bascule supporting which was found to be severely deteriorated in a NYCDOT biennial inspection, resulting in the decision to perform a total re-design and re-construction of the bridge. Responsible for analysis and design of construction staging, demolitions and temporary structures with respect to active traffic and proposed new bridge layout. Also, development of Work Zone Traffic Control plans. AASHTO, ACI and AISC, MUTCD and other relevant state and local codes were utilized for these tasks.



Rehabilitation of BQE (I-278) - Vibration Monitoring - Brooklyn Heights, NY

Rehabilitation and replacement of approximately 1.5 miles of one of the most critical and complex sections of urban expressway in the nation that includes multiple bridge structures and the historic “triple cantilever” and many other ramps and retaining walls along the interstate corridor. As a part of the Preliminary Design Team member, responsible for investigating whether the vibrations perceived in some buildings were possibly related to traffic traveling on the BQE structure. Activities included under this investigation were review of historical bridge and adjacent building structural and geotechnical plans, placement of vibration monitors in sensitive locations, study of vibration transfer characteristics of soil and cantilever bridge super structure, and preparation of final study document. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment report by Federal Transit Administration was utilized for this project.


Construction Inspection for Water Main Extension and Replacement - Manhattan, NY

This $5.85M project involved replacing outdated 16” water mains with new 20” Ductile Iron Pipes. 12” water main tie-ins and 6” hydrant extensions were also replaced and updated, pavement restored and numerous utility facilities relocated. The project was executed in close proximity to city transit underground facilities. Responsible for the administrative and technical aspects of the project as well as reviewing the specification and contract drawings to enforce applicable codes, supporting field staff, preparing the contractor’s monthly payment, reviewing daily inspection reports to ensure accuracy and completeness, reviewing contractor’s submittals and preparing service drawings and field cards, coordinating construction progress with other NYCDDC departments and other related city agencies and utility companies to ensure smooth implementation of the project.

Structural Inspection and Assessment for New York City Wastewater Treatment Plants

The Objective of Asset Management Program (AMP) is to assess and priorities repairs and improvement budgets for Wastewater Treatment and Water Supply facilities, throughout the New York Metropolitan Area. This involves comprehensive inspection and systematic data collection of structural deterioration level and estimation of required repairs, every few years. As a lead structural inspector, responsible for training and coordinating team of structural inspectors and performing these inspections and making detailed reports on required repairs.