Failed Column Base
sean ainechi
/ Categories: The Daily Digest

Failed Column Base

Failed Structural Design

Alma Engineering, PC, performed a Structural Assessment and Inspection for an industrial building in Brooklyn. Column base plates and grout pad are a critical component of a structure which transfer the vertical and lateral load to the ground. In this case, the grout pad was too thick and anchor bolts were not long enough to penetrate the slab.

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sean ainechi

sean ainechisean ainechi

Sean Ainechi a licensed Professional Engineer and the owner of New York City-based Engineering firm Alma Engineering, PC. He has earned his master's degree in Structural Engineering from City College of New York (CUNY) and has 15 years of experience working in the private and public sector, in design, planning and construction support.

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2020 - Present: President of ALMA Engineering, PC

2009 - 2019: Project Engineer at EnTech Engineering, PC

2006 - 2009: Structural Engineer at A&A Consulting Engineers, PC


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