sean ainechi
/ Categories: Structural Assessment

Tell-Tale Crack Monitors

Monitoring Cracks on Interior and Exterior Walls

Cracks on the interiors and exteriors of a building could have many reasons, from non-structural cosmetic to structural issues that impact structural stability. Some cracks develop overnight, some may take decades to expand, and are often ignored by building residents. The crack pattern, location, width, and expansion rate are critical items used by Structural Engineers to assess the Structural Stability and Safety of a building.

Tell-Tale Crack Monitors are one of the cheapest and most affordable tools to monitor crack activity and expansion rates. They measure two opposite surfaces of the crack, vertical and horizontal movement, with an accuracy of up to +/- 0.5 mm.

Fig 1. Tell-Tale Crack Gauge


Tell-Tale Crack Monitors are often used for passive cracks that are less critical and may need to be monitored for more than a year. Electronic crack gauges are used for critical and fast-growing cracks. 

Fig 2.High Precision Electronic Grack Monitor with the wireless transmitter


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sean ainechi

sean ainechisean ainechi

Sean Ainechi a licensed Professional Engineer and the owner of New York City-based Engineering firm Alma Engineering, PC. He has earned his master's degree in Structural Engineering from City College of New York (CUNY) and has 15 years of experience working in the private and public sector, in design, planning and construction support.

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2020 - Present: President of ALMA Engineering, PC

2009 - 2019: Project Engineer at EnTech Engineering, PC

2006 - 2009: Structural Engineer at A&A Consulting Engineers, PC


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